🤖Automatic Upgrades

Cosmovisor is a process manager for Cosmos SDK applications, providing a mechanism for automatic node upgrades. It monitors the governance process for signals indicating that a software upgrade is required and automatically downloads and applies the necessary updates. This tool helps to facilitate smoother and more efficient network upgrades, thereby ensuring a high level of continuity and reliability of blockchain services.

1. Install Titand

Install titand

2. Install Cosmovisor

To install Cosmovisor you also need to install Go (guide)

Follow the document of cosmos to install Cosmovisor

Ensure add go bin /usr/local/go/bin and your GOPATH to PATH environment variable. You will also want to add below path into $HOME/.profile to persistent.

# add go binary
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
# add go package binary
export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin

3. Init and config Node

Follow Joining Testnet until step Create service file.

4. Config Cosmovisor

  1. Add environment variable to ~/.profile

Correct DAEMON_HOME if you do not use default home location for node

# Setup Cosmovisor
export DAEMON_NAME=titand
export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.titand
  1. Reload your .profile

source ~/.profile
  1. Create folders for Cosmovisor

mkdir -p ~/.titand/cosmovisor
mkdir -p ~/.titand/cosmovisor/genesis
mkdir -p ~/.titand/cosmovisor/upgrades
  1. Init Cosmvisor with titand binary

  • If you install titand from source. Run follow command to init your genesis binary

cosmovisor init $(which titand)
  • If you download prebuild binary titand from our github. Copy prebuild binary and lib into cosmovior

cp -r ~/titan/* ~/.titand/cosmovisor/genesis/
cosmovisor init ~/.titand/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/titand

After that your .titand folder will be like this (will not contain lib folder if you install from source)

├── config
│   ├── addrbook.json
│   ├── app.toml
│   ├── client.toml
│   ├── config.toml
│   ├── genesis.json
│   ├── node_key.json
│   └── priv_validator_key.json
├── cosmovisor
│   ├── current -> /Users/mac/.titand/cosmovisor/genesis
│   └── genesis
│       ├── LICENSE.md
│       ├── README.md
│       ├── bin
│       │   └── titand
│       └── lib
│           ├── libwasmvm.aarch64.so
│           ├── libwasmvm.dylib
│           └── libwasmvm.x86_64.so
├── data
│   └── priv_validator_state.json
└── wasm
    └── wasm

Verify your setup with command (ensure version is same as your titand)

cosmovisor run version --long
  1. Update service file /etc/systemd/system/titand.service to use cosmovisor

Replace <cosmovisor_absoule_path> by output of command which cosmovisor.

Replace <home_directory> by your home directory that contain folder .titand . Or other directory if you chose your own folder for titan node.

By default, Cosmovisor will back up the current data before upgrading the chain process (this means your disk space should always have more than 40% free). If your node is configured to keep only a small amount of historical state, the backup process may be fast. However, if your node is a full node that stores a large amount of historical data, you may want to set UNSAFE_SKIP_BACKUP=true to help speed up the upgrade process and avoid consuming disk space.

Description=Titan service

ExecStart=<cosmovisor_absoule_path> run start --x-crisis-skip-assert-invariants --home <home_directory>/.titand


  1. Start service

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart systemd-journald
systemctl enable titand.service
systemctl start titand.service
  1. Check node status

cosmovisor run status

You should get something like this:

7:12AM INF running app args=["status"] module=cosmovisor path=/home/ubuntu/.titand/cosmovisor/genesis/bin/titand

If have any issue, you can check error log by

journalctl -fu titand

Last updated